Green Team
photo by Sandy Marek
Come grow with us.
This group seeks actionable, accessible, and positive solutions that can help everyone make the world a greener place each day. As a member of the Green Team, you can immediately make a difference by becoming a part of:
- Recycling, sustainability, and climate initiatives
- State- and national-level environmental justice advocacy
- Local community volunteer efforts
- Educational offerings
- Monthly vegetarian potlucks
- Native gardening programs
(Vegetarian Potluck)
Our recent events have included recycling rallies, sustainable garden tours, and expert talks on such topics as solar energy, energy efficient green homes, and bicycling. In all that we do, we strive to bring into action the Seventh Principle of Unitarian Universalism: Respect for the interdependent web of all existence of which we are a part.
North Shore Unitarian Church is a Green Sanctuary as certified by the Unitarian Universalist Association and the UU Ministry for the Earth. We received this designation in 2010 by prioritizing and completing environmental objectives in our social justice programs, worship and celebration, religious education, and church operations.
Green Team News Blast
For updates and the latest environmental news and tips, please subscribe to our Green Team newsletter.
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