Rev. Lucas and the members of North Shore Unitarian Church invite you to join us at one or all of our special services this month:
December 10 (Saturday) at 6 PM: Blue Holidays Vesper Service. Whether you are struggling with loss, mental health challenges, or simply have the blues, you are invited to attend this service of acceptance and healing. This service will be led by Rev. Lucas with support from the Caring Team. This in-person service will take place in the Sanctuary.
December 11 (Sunday): Joy. On this third Sunday of Advent, we will look for joy as a spiritual practice. Rev. Lucas, preaching.
December 18 (Sunday): The Christmas Menorahs (Pageant). A multi-generational cast will tell the story of how one town responded to an act of anti-Semitism. This pageant incorporates the Hanukkah and Nativity stories and favorite holiday songs.
December 24 (Saturday): Candles and Carols Christmas Eve Service at 8 PM. Join us at 8 PM for a very special Christmas Eve service. We will sing with our choir, enjoy the string quartet, hear reflections on hope, and light candles together. Note: we will not be holding a service at 5 PM this year. The service will be both in-person and live streamed on Zoom. Zoom Meeting ID 885 9903 5913
December 25 (Sunday): While NSUC will not offer our regular worship service at 10 AM, several members are hosting a holiday potluck at the church. For information, please contact
January 1 (Sunday): Join us for a “Burning Off Ceremony” as we leave behind an old year and welcome a new one. Rev. Lucas, preaching
Please note that as of November 1st, wearing a mask is optional at all NSUC programming and events.